Home / July 31, 2019


Welcome to the July edition of Digital Marketing Roundup. In this edition, we bring you the top updates and announcements from the world of digital and Internet.

1. New Features in Mobile Visual Searches on Google Images with AMP

Google has made a few changes in the Google Image mobile search result. According to the search engine giant, this will help people to get more information from the visual searches on Google Image. This feature was announced in the Google I/O conference held this year.

The new AMP-powered feature in Google Images was launched on Swipe to Visit (mobile web), which makes it faster and easier for users to browse and visit web pages. With this new feature, users can see a preview of the website header in the search itself and can scroll up to the complete webpage. 

digital marketing Roundup - AMP changes

Read more details are here on the Google Webmaster Central Blog:


2. Twitter Announces Full Rollout of the New Desktop Experience

Twitter announced the rollout of a refreshed and updated website on July 15, 2019 and one that would be faster, easier to navigate and more personalized.

Changes in the following fields can be seen in the new Twitter:

i. ‘Explore’ under ‘More of What of What’s Happening’ is packed with content to check out top trends, videos and local moments.

ii. Direct Messages All in One Place with a single view to see conversations and send messages

iii. Features like Bookmarks, Lists, and your Profile are all the side navigation and can be accessed easily

iv. No more struggle for Login and Logout, especially for those with multiple accounts

v. Personalize: You can choose your own theme and colour options different themes and colour options

Read the full announcement here: https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/product/2019/introducing-a-new-Twitter-dot-com.html

Read the full announcement here. https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/product/2019/introducing-a-new-Twitter-dot-com.html

3. Robots.txt Got Some Attention This Month

There are many updates happening to robot.txt file as an effort of making it to a standard format.

As a result, Google published a note on unsupported rules in robots.txt.


You can find some tweets and discussions on Webmaster tool’s twitter handle. https://twitter.com/googlewmc

4. Microsoft Advertising ‘s Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) Adds Additional Fields

Dynamic ad campaigns now have an additional description field and a longer ad title field.

digital marketing roundup- microsoft ads new features

The updated format allows users to:

i. Utilize an additional description field for a maximum of two descriptions
ii. Specify up to 90 characters each for the two descriptions
iii. Enjoy the benefits of longer dynamically generated ad titles

Currently, this new feature is available in those markets like US, UK, Canada, Australia, France and Germany where Dynamic Search Ads are supported.

Here is the announcement: https://about.ads.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/post/july-2019/make-your-ads-stand-out-with-expanded-dynamic-search-ads

5. Microsoft Advertising Rolls Out Campaign A/B Test Feature Globally

This feature allows users to create a duplicate version of a campaign to monitor changes without fully publishing it. Users can test on Ad copy, Landing page URLs, Bidding strategies and modifiers.

Microsoft ads AB testing - Digital marketing roundup

Microsoft Advertising has published a note on how to run an experiment in their blog:


6. Pinterest Introduces Mobile Ads On The Go

This new feature offers users the option to create and manage Pinterest as campaigns on a mobile device, at any time.

In a newsroom announcement Pinterest said, “Now, with the ease of Mobile Ad Tools, businesses get simplified ad creation with consolidated targeting options, taking the guesswork out of setting up Promoted Pins.”

News at: https://newsroom.pinterest.com/en/post/ads-on-the-go

7. A Change in Twitter Follower Notification Panel

If you have got a new follower, Twitter will automatically add their updates to your notification panel. Additionally, users can follow their ‘followers‘ back from the notification panel itself.

8. Instagram Hides ‘likes’ Count On App

In a Twitter announcement, Instagram said, “We want your friends to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get. You can still see your own likes by tapping on the list of people who've liked it, but your friends will not be able to see how many likes your post has received.”

Currently, this is in testing stage and in a few countries only. Instagram hasn’t said much about how the tests are going so far, or when they will add this update in the app.

Author Bio: Soumya is a Digital Marketing Analyst with 9 years solid experience focusing mainly on SEO aspects. Her skillsets which were gathered from researches, Google Patent followup, networking with other industry leaders, content creation and link building techniques helped hundreds of clients over a decade. Whenever required, she kick-starts social media promotions and campaigns to enhance her client’s brand reach. Her free time includes reading books and improving her knowledge in the digital marketing industry.

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