Home / October 25, 2021

Digital marketing Roundup October 2021

Here’s our Digital marketing Roundup for the month of October 2021 with the latest updates from search engines and social media

The Clarity integration feature allows Advertisers to analyze post-click behavior and landing page engagement.

Microsoft says it has many benefits such as;

  • More powerful data on the customer journey which helps advertisers to make better optimization decisions.
  • Free website analytics: ‘Clarity’ allows advertisers to understand post-click behaviors and landing page engagement

Read more:https://about.ads.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/post/october-2021/introducing-microsoft-clarity-insights-for-microsoft-advertising

  1. New Additions In Google Analytics 4

As they say, Google analytics 4 properties offer better privacy-safe solutions to measure user data such as customer journey, data insights, etc.

Now they have added some new properties to GA4. As they informed in their official blog, “Now, we're launching additional capabilities, including an improved Search integration and smarter attribution to give you the insights you need to optimize performance across all of your marketing channels. We're also introducing new modeling features that will close gaps in your data and help you future-proof your measurement.”

Official blog: https://blog.google/products/marketingplatform/analytics/meet-marketing-objectives-with-new-google-analytics/

2.   Google announces the new Analytics 360

Google launched a new version of Analytics 360, the analytics suite for enterprise-level companies. The new features include the ability to create product line sub-properties, custom user roles and larger caps on dimensions, audiences and conversion types.

The new Analytics 360 is now in open beta for all existing clients. Users need to upgrade their Google Analytics 4 Properties to the Analytics 360 beta.

Announcement: https://blog.google/products/marketingplatform/360/introducing-new-analytics-360/

3.   AdSense Moves to First Phase Auction

Earlier, AdSense was using second price auction where the final price that the winner has to pay is determined by the second-highest bid. In a first-price auction, the final price is the same as the winning bid.

Google says this will help advertisers by simplifying how they buy online ads and make it easier for them to buy the ad space sold on AdSense. In the coming months, AdSense will move to a first-price auction.

Read more: https://blog.google/products/adsense/our-move-to-a-first-price-auction/

  1. Instagram story link now available for all

Instagram has announced that links in Instagram Stories will be available for all users, previously this option was available to people with 10k followers or verified accounts.

As explained by Instagram:

“When we first introduced Stories links, the feature was limited to verified accounts or those with a certain number of followers. We’ve heard from the rest of our community that they also want to share things that matter with their friends and family. Whatever you’re into, from cooking to volunteering or shopping, you now have a space to share in Stories - regardless of your account size.”

Read more: https://about.instagram.com/blog/announcements/expanding-sharing-links-in-stories-to-everyone

5.   Facebook Changed Its Name To Meta

Facebook changed its parent company name to Meta. The company said “it would better encompass what it does, as it broadens its reach beyond social media into areas like virtual reality (VR).”

The change does not apply to its individual platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp, only the parent company that owns them.

Embed: https://about.fb.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/06_211025_CompanyEC_16x9__30fps__1080-1.gif?fit=1920%2C1080

The announcement: https://about.fb.com/news/2021/10/facebook-company-is-now-meta/

6.   New Features Introduced In Linkedin Company Page

LinkedIn added some new features to its company pages which will help businesses better align with the next stage of the process.

In ‘My Company Tab’, the employee only space on Linkedin, employee community and advocac. With this update the page owner can easily cureate content from their page to the ‘My Company Tab’ with the simple click of a button. And there are insights for employees to understand how their engagement matters.

Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/business/marketing/blog/linkedin-pages/whats-new-with-linkedin-pages-quickly-attract-top-talent-with-new-tools

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