Home / August 19, 2020

Digital Marketing Roundup August 2020

Now, advertisers can use the lead form extensions in YouTube and Discovery campaign ads which were available in search campaigns only. This feature will be available by end of this year as Google says in their official announcement.

  1. Lead forms added to Youtube and discovery campaigns

Now, advertisers can use the lead form extensions in YouTube and Discovery campaign ads which were available in search campaigns only. This feature will be available by end of this year as Google says in their official announcement.

Also, Google added a few more field options to the form. Now advertisers have options to collect data such as city, state, country, business contact information, company name, job title, work email and work phone.

Announcement: https://blog.google/products/ads-commerce/generate-leads/

Embed: https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-uniblog-publish-prod/original_images/jeep_updated.gif

Image Source: Google

2.     Google Ads plan to prohibit spyware, surveillance products and services globally

These products and services enable people to “track or monitor another person or their activities without their authorization.” And it comes under the Google policy Products that enable dishonest behavior. With a policy update the tech giant plans to ban several products and services. This covers things such as fake documents, student essays and invalid click products as well as those that can give users unauthorized access to systems such as hacking devices, radar jammers or wiretapping products.

Source of info: https://searchengineland.com/google-ads-to-prohibit-spyware-surveillance-products-and-services-337464

  • Google extends activity cards to more areas

As said in their official blog, Activity cards help you pick up where you left off on Search, and now, we’re updating them to focus on three areas that are especially important today—jobs, recipes and online shopping.

Shopping : With the shopping activity card, Search will show products that a user has been researching, even if they were featured in an article that the user were reading. This makes users compare the product which they are interested in and to make a decision faster.

Jobs: The jobs activity card makes it easier by showing you new, relevant job postings since a user last searched.

Recipes: When a user searches for recipes, it will show the related recipes that the user has recently visited and provide a thumbnail preview to make it easy to select the right one.

Embed: https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-uniblog-publish-prod/original_images/Shopping_Pixel4_FinalRev.gif

Image Source: Google

  • Custom backgrounds for  Messenger Rooms in facebook

Facebook has announced a few updates for its Messenger Rooms video hangout option, including new custom backgrounds and more ways to connect and categorize Rooms to have a better organized video meet-ups.

The main addition is custom backgrounds - as explained by Facebook:

"In addition to Messenger’s AR effects, like immersive 360-degree backgrounds and mood lighting filters, we are starting to roll out a new way to personalize your room and video chats on mobile. We are introducing the ability to customize your background with your own photos so you can now video chat from your favorite sunset. You could even customize your background with a funny home video."

  • Shop Tab in Facebook and Instagram

In a recent update of its eCommerce tools, they added a dedicated Shopping tab in the options menu. It will showcase a range of businesses that are selling products directly on the platform.

  • Tiktok Analyics

User need to switch to a pro account to have access to the analytics. As they said, "Once you've switched, you'll find your analytics in the "Pro Account" page of your settings. On desktop, you can access the Analytics page by hovering over your profile photo in the upper-right corner of your screen and clicking "View Analytics." You can also download and export your Analytics directly to your computer when yo

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