Home / April 30, 2019

Digital Marketing Roundup – April 2019

We are back with the latest data and insights in the world of digital marketing, digital advertising and social media. We have handpicked some of the big changes that occurred in April that you might not want to miss if you’re involved in the digital industry.


1. Google Plus Shuts Down


Google shut down its social networking platform Google-Plus due to low engagement. In their announcement they stated, ‘there are significant challenges in creating and maintaining a successful Google+ product that meets consumers’ expectations’.


More details at https://www.blog.google/technology/safety-security/expediting-changes-google-plus/



2. New Feature on Bing Ads - Action Extensions

This extension allows you to highlight a call-to-action on text ads and thus to improve the click-through rate.

Action Extensions are available in all Bing Ads markets on both PC and mobile devices. It is available in all Bing Ads supported languages.


Desktop Layout



<strongMobile Layout</strong




Read more:https://advertise.bingads.microsoft.com/en-gb/blog/post/april-2019/drive-customers-to-immediate-action-with-action-extensions?



3. Google Updates Its Custom Search Mobile Layout

Google has announced a new mobile layout that provide an improved experience for mobile device users. As per the update they have changed the look of the search box and refinements, increased the size of the thumbnails, and simplified the pagination.


Previous and current search comparisons



More at https://customsearch.googleblog.com/2019/04/improving-our-mobile-layout.html



4. Discover Performance Data On Google Search Console Reporting

The new Discover report is shown to websites that have accumulated meaningful visibility in Discover, with the data shown back to March 2019. We hope this report is helpful in thinking about how you might optimize your content strategy to help users discover engaging information-- both new and evergreen.


Read details at https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2019/04/search-console-reporting-for-your-sites.html



5. Google Search Console Adds Android App Filters To Performance Report

One can see data related to the app’s performance in Google Search Console if they have an app associated with their website. This report provides reports on-app impressions, clicks, CTR, listing position, etc.





6. Google Announces Masterful Mobile Web

Google’s MobiIe Web helps to understand and improve the mobile experience of a website. The website shows how many sites in each category passed different usability tests. Currently, it is available in the Retail, Finance and Travel sectors only.


Visit site at: https://masterfulmobile.withgoogle.com/



7. Facebook Adds Inventory Filter

This new feature allows advertisers to control their brand safety profiles across different forms of media. The filter applies to ads delivered within Instant Articles, Audience Network and Facebook in-stream video.



Read the news at https://www.facebook.com/business/news/updating-our-brand-safety-controls/



8. Bing Ads Rebrands as Microsoft Advertising

Bing Ads name change — They call it as an evolution of Microsoft Advertising.

In their announcement, they also stated, “In the next year, we’re introducing more advertising products with built-in AI, more connected to your data and your business”.

Read the announcement at https://about.ads.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/post/april-2019/bing-ads-is-now-microsoft-advertising

Author Bio: Soumya is a Digital Marketing Analyst with 9 years solid experience focusing mainly on SEO aspects. Her skillsets which were gathered from researches, Google Patent followup, networking with other industry leaders, content creation and link building techniques helped hundreds of clients over a decade. Whenever required, she kick-starts social media promotions and campaigns to enhance her client’s brand reach. Her free time includes reading books and improving her knowledge in the digital marketing industry.

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