Home / November 25, 2021

Digital Marketing Roundup November 2021

Bing launched Page insights which give more information about the webpage on search results. This appears as an expandable section that is available for pages which has a lightbulb icon. Clicking the lightbulb will open a window that shows details about the website, top pages, images, information, and details on the specifics of the content. In Microsoft’s words, it provides a summarized insights from a page on your search results so you can find what you’re looking for faster.

1.   Microsoft Bing launched Page insights

Announcement: https://blogs.bing.com/search/2021-11/Save-time-online-with-Page-insights-from-Microsoft-Bing

  1. A New Design Rolled Out for Search Console

Google made the announcement of new design on Twitter, they said they did it with a goal to improve accessibility and user experience.


  • New tools and features to support local news in Google

Google launched new tools and features to help local news organizations and their journalists. This will appear in the carousal form which displays local news based on search queries.


This feature has been rolled out worldwide and is available in all languages. Google says, this feature will help readers easily find relevant news around them, from local news publishers.

Official blog post on this: https://blog.google/products/news/local-news-update-census-mapper/

3.   Google rolling out new PageSpeed Insights

Google said the user interface is more intuitive “by clearly differentiating between data derived from a synthetic environment and data collected from users in the field.” Google now has set up devoted sections for lab data versus field data in the tool. Labels for “Field Data” and “Lab data” have been replaced with text that indicates what the data means and how it can help. Google also moved the field data section to the top.

Announcement: https://twitter.com/addyosmani/status/1460515430204801031

4.    New AR Shopping Showcase In Snapchat As Part Of Its Holiday Season Push

As part of this Snapchat is collaborating with brands on augmented realty based shopping initiatives. The brands includeAmazon, Coca-Cola, Hollister, Under Armour, Verizon, and Walmart.

As explained by Snapchat:

“Each brand will have a dedicated virtual store environment within the Holiday Market, where Snapchatters will be able to browse products and holiday deals in an AR space that’s been custom-built and unique to each brand.”

Read more: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/snapchat-launches-new-ar-shopping-showcase-as-part-of-its-holiday-season-pu/610414/

  • Updates on Twitter Analytics

Twitter has some updates in its analytics display, which will provide more data on each tweet. It shows insights on retweets, likes and replies, source of tweet impression, details on link clicks and engagement.


  1. Reddit Enhanced its Video Tools

Reddit announced they will shutdown dubsmash app, a video platform and would add the features to the Reddit app itself. They also added ‘camera’, which gives the option to change recording speed, set a timer, upload videos in landscape, portrait mode, and fill, adjust and trim multiple clips, sse new Reddit-first lenses to meme yourself as Bread Cat or make yourself a Snoo.

Embed: https://www.redditinc.com/assets/images/site/Bread-Meme-Gif.gif

It has a better editing page too which allows you to Adding text Stickers, using our drawing tool, applying filters, adding voice overs, adjusting the volume, trimming and rearranging clips.

Embed:https://www.redditinc.com/assets/images/site/Dog-Bread.gif Read more: https://www.redditinc.com/blog/bringing-more-of-dubsmash-to-reddit-by-launching-new-video-features

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