Home / March 31, 2019

Digital Marketing Roundup – March 2019

March saw a flurry of activities in the digital marketing and social media domains. We have captured the most important updates for you here.


1. 'Checkout' on Instagram


Instagram introduced a new feature on its app that allows people to find and buy a product they want without having to leave the app.


2. Facebook Removes Ad Targeting Options in Certain Categories to Avoid Discrimination

Major points are

  • i. Anyone who wants to run housing, employment or credit ads will no longer be allowed to target by age, gender or zip code.
  • ii. Advertisers offering housing, employment and credit opportunities will have a much smaller set of targeting categories to use in their campaigns overall.
  • iii. Multicultural affinity targeting will continue to be unavailable for these ads. Additionally, any detailed targeting option describing or appearing to relate to protected classes will also be unavailable.

    Read complete news at https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2019/03/protecting-against-discrimination-in-ads/


    3. AdWords’ Keyword Planner gets new features


    Google has added several new features.  Some of them are not entirely new, with some getting modified existing features as well.

    New Competition column, daily budget suggestions, grouped ideas, more seed keywords for searching new ideas are some of the new and enhanced features.


    Read complete news at https://searchengineland.com/google-ads-keyword-planner-gets-new-and-old-features-314618


    4. Google URL inspection tool now shows the Google discovered canonical URL


    The URL Inspection tool within the Search Console will now show users the Google-selected canonical. With this change, Google also retiring the info: command.

    Read more here


    5. Google Core Algorithm Update




    6. LinkedIn adds new features to its message segment


    LinkedIn has added some new options which will make it easier for users to plan in-person meet-ups without having to switch away from its messaging stream.



    Read more here


    7. Google Releases New Guide to Maximizing eCommerce Opportunities


    Google has published an ecommerce guide on how to use the platform's various advertising tools to help businesses to maximize their eCommerce opportunities.

    Download the guide at http://services.google.com/fh/files/blogs/google_ad_manager_ecommerce_guide_final_v2.pdf

    Author Bio: Soumya is a Digital Marketing Analyst with 9 years solid experience focusing mainly on SEO aspects. Her skillsets which were gathered from researches, Google Patent followup, networking with other industry leaders, content creation and link building techniques helped hundreds of clients over a decade. Whenever required, she kick-starts social media promotions and campaigns to enhance her client’s brand reach. Her free time includes reading books and improving her knowledge in the digital marketing industry.

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