Home / April 25, 2021

Digital Marketing Roundup April 2021

April 2021 edition of Digital Marketing Roundup gives you information about new updates in google search, microsoft ad updates, twitter professional profile, Tiktok lead generation ads and more.

  1. Microsoft Advertising Partner Summit - Key announcements

Inorder to create rich experience across the decision journey, Microsoft Advertising has created some new as experiences.

  • Multimedia Ads- This is a new update and this adds a spotlight on the brand message offering a dedicated space to appear on the mainline and right rail. These ads can be created though Image extensions feature in ads.
  • Video Extensions- These allow advertisers stand out on the search results page, and offer more customer engagement.

Read more at https://about.ads.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/post/april-2021/accelerate-your-digital-strategy-with-new-product-experiences

  • Google Adds travel informations in search

New features are added to help travellers during covid-19 pandemic. Using these people can get information on COVID-19 related travel advisories or restrictions for their destination. All these information can be made available as email alerts as said by Google in their official blog.

“ If you are signed into your Google account, you can toggle “Receive an email if this guidance changes. You'll be notified when restrictions are added, lifted or reduced“. All these updates are country-specific, with state-specific information available in the United States.

More on: https://blog.google/products/flights-hotels/helpful-tools-when-youre-ready-travel/

  •  Indexing issues - Report directly to Google

Google has added a new option to report indexing issues to their search team. This option is available at the footer of URL inspection help document and indexing coverage report document. This is currently rolled out in US only

Embed: https://twitter.com/googlesearchc/status/1387460803335360512


  • Twitter supports 4K images in tweets

Twitter has announced that all users now have the capacity to upload and view 4K images within their tweets.

As explained by Twitter:

"Time to Tweet those high res pics - the option to upload and view 4K images on Android and iOS is now available for everyone. To start uploading and viewing images in 4K, update your high-quality image preferences in “Data usage” settings."

Users need  to enable 4K images, either within the Twitter app or in the image settings on your device.

  • Google’s product reviews update

Google has rolled out a product review algorithm update to help customers with genuine reviews. With this update Google wants to give importance for well written updates in their search results than thin content updates

They have published a set of questions, if product owners wants to know what is a good review. Read it here https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2021/04/product-reviews-update

  1. Expanded Image Display on Whatsapp

Whatsapp has a new update on media display, it shows bigger images and videos in message threads, previously images used to crop and display. This gives a better user experience and it gives better options for business accounts.

Embed: https://twitter.com/WhatsApp/status/1388194269106688002?

  • TikTok Launches Lead Generation Ads

As explained by TikTok:

"Lead Generation starts by making it easy for users to fill out a form and provide their information (e.g. Name, Email, Phone) in order to signal their interest in that particular product or service. Additionally, basic information that our users provide to TikTok can also be automatically populated for an efficient experience between the business and user."

Read more: https://www.tiktok.com/business/en/blog/tiktok-introduces-lead-generation-to-enable-businesses-to-reach-and-drive-customer-acquisition-with-ease

  1. Twitter’s 'Professional Profiles' Test for Brands and Creators

Twitter has officially launched a test for its new 'Professional Profiles', which will provide a new option for brands.

As explained by Twitter:

"Professional Profiles are a new tool that will allow businesses, non-profits, publishers, and creators - anyone who uses Twitter for work - to display specific information about their business directly on their profile. We’re starting with a small pool of businesses in the U.S. and will give more accounts access to Professional Profiles in the coming months."

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