January 21, 2019
10 great link building strategies you may not be using

Great content, and a lot of link-backs – these are the pillars of having a site that fares well in the SEO stakes. This blog has featured str...

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January 18, 2019
Face time vs. Facebook time

After all the time I’ve spent advocating social media networking and online marketing on this blog, I’m going to step back and tell you...

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January 17, 2019
Networking with online influencers for added social media traction
  1. What if you threw a party and no one came?

    That’s the nightmarish possibility looming over any ma...

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January 11, 2019
Branding first, promotions later: 10 reasons why

Sometimes, new businesses are eager to jump into promotional mode, pushing sales by brute force to get a jump-start on growth. I think it makes sen...

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January 10, 2019
Digital Marketing: Are you measuring these brand activities?

Measure, measure, measure…after all the claims made for digital marketing, the big task is to measure how effective your online activities have b...

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January 9, 2019
Back to basics: building a successful social media strategy
Every once in a while it’s worth stepping back and re-connecting with first principles. We’ve been blogging about different social media ...

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November 26, 2018
6 steps to great content

Whether you’re relying on professional content writers or have to create your inbound marketing content on your own, a systematic approach helps ...

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October 10, 2018
You need goals in life, and in Google Analytics!

Measurement is the proof of the pudding, when it comes to social media. The Digital Marketing team at iVista always mentions that it seeks to deliv...

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May 22, 2017
Getting There, Staying There: a look at social media strategy

I don’t believe in one-off online marketing drives, unless they’re a prelude to a long-term engagement. Social media marketing isn&rsqu...

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May 29, 2016
The legal aspects of social networking

Make sure you're not stumbling into a legal minefield when you take the social networking path. Nothing spreads faster than bad news online, and yo...

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