Home / September 30, 2021

Digital Marketing Roundup September 2021

Get the latest updates on SEO, SEM and Social media here at one platform. Read on our Digital marketing Roundup for the month of September 2021

  1. ML based Data-Driven Attribution in Google Ads

Since the privacy of users has become a concern for people and the company, Google announced a machine learning-based, data-driven model for ads in the privacy landscape. This new model can give user insights, customer behavior, etc without hurting privacy.

As Google says, Advertisers around the world have seen better results by switching to data-driven attribution. When combined with automated bidding strategies, data-driven attribution can drive additional conversions at the same cost-per-acquisition. This is because our systems can better predict the incremental impact a specific ad will have on driving conversion, and adjust bids accordingly to maximize your ROI.

  1. Microsoft Ads- Marketing with purpose attribute

Microsoft’s ‘marketing with purpose’ is an effort to help build trust in brands. Now they have added another feature to it ‘Marketing with Purpose Business Attributes’, unique for Microsoft advertising. This feature allows you to highlight unique attributes that showcase the ways your brand demonstrates responsibility.

Below is an example of a brand text ad that highlights an Environmental business attribute and value, Carbon-neutral.

They are offering four attribute categories with 32 total attributes:

• Vegan • LGBTQI+-friendly • Unisex • Allergy-friendly • Pet-friendly • Family-friendly • Kosher • Halal • Alcohol-free • Gluten-free • Vegetarian• Eco-friendly • Carbon-neutral • Sustainable • Carbon-negative• Cruelty-free • Non-profit • Supports a cure • Local business • Small business • Family-owned • Minority-owned • Black-owned • Supports disease research • LGBTQI+-owned• Wheelchair accessible • Visual assistance • Hearing assistance • Mobility assistance • Touchless pickup • No-contact delivery • Web accessibility


Read more at: https://about.ads.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/post/september-2021/show-your-brand-values-marketing-with-purpose-business-attributes

3.     Google adds more transparency To Ads

“To give users of our products even more transparency, we are enhancing ad disclosures with new advertiser pages. Users can access these disclosures in our new ‘About this ad’ menu to see the ads a specific verified advertiser has run over the past 30 days,” said Google in an official blog announcement.

Embed: https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-uniblog-publish-prod/original_videos/E02667405_APM_GIF_Phone_Mock_Sep21_v04.mp4

Read more: https://blog.google/products/ads-commerce/giving-users-more-transparency-their-google-ad-experience/

  1. Updates on Google Display campaign

Google ads will combine standard Display campaigns and Smart Display campaigns into a single option. Additionally, Google Ads will be introducing optimized targeting to Display campaigns. They added, “ In this new Display campaign experience, you’ll have all of the reach and performance you’re used to, with the ability to choose the level of automation you prefer in bidding, creatives and audiences.“

 Read more: https://blog.google/products/ads-commerce/display-campaigns-made-easy/

  1. New features for travel Listings in Google

Google introduced new paid and organic features for travel businesses such as ticket booking links and pricing in search results, new 'Things to do' ads, and an eco-certified badge for hotel listings.

Google is introducing new organic and paid features for travel and leisure businesses, including ticket booking links and pricing in search results, new “Things to do” ads, and an eco-certified badge for hotel listings, the company announced Wednesday.

Google rolls out ticket booking links, ‘Things to do’ ads, and an eco-certified badge for hotels

Embed: https://searchengineland.com/figz/wp-content/seloads/2021/09/eco_certified_hotel_google-800x533.gif

Read more: https://blog.google/products/ads-commerce/helping-travelers-discover-new-things-do/

6.       Instagram is testing story visibility to selected people only

Instagram has a new feature that restricts the viewing of stories. Currently, this is in test mode.

 They said“ “Before, with the ‘Close Friends’ feature, people could only share Stories with the same list of friends without being able to edit it. With this test, you’ll be able to add, remove, or keep people on your list with different Stories.”

Read more: https://about.instagram.com/blog/announcements/curate-instagram-stories-for-close-friends-only

7. Facebook Make Business Communications Easier

Facebook's cross platform features will help businesses to make communications better, as Facebook says in a new announcement. This combines, Instagram, Whatsapp and Facebook for effective communication.  As they say “Businesses can already buy ads that encourage people to message them, whether in Messenger, Instagram Direct or WhatsApp. Now, businesses can choose all the messaging platforms where they’re available to chat, and we’ll default the chat app in your ad based on where a conversation is most likely to happen.”

Read more: https://www.facebook.com/business/news/introducing-products-for-the-next-era-of-personalized-experiences

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